2016, Número 3
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Ortho-tips 2016; 12 (3)
Caso clínico: Síndrome escapulocostal o escapulotorácico
Arellano VJ, Becerra GD, Hiramuro SF
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 10
Paginas: 177-181
Archivo PDF: 1696.70 Kb.
La articulación escapulotorácica es cóncava y debe deslizarse suavemente sobre la parte convexa de la caja torácica para proporcionar funcionalidad y movimiento a la articulación glenohumeral (
Figura 1). Esto es facilitado por capas intermedias de varios músculos y bursas que se describen en tres niveles o capas: superficial, intermedia y profunda.
Gaskill T, Millett PJ. Snapping scapula syndrome: diagnosis and management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2013; 21 (4): 214-224
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Millett PJ, Gaskill TR, Horan MP, van der Meijden OA. Technique and outcomes of arthroscopic scapulothoracic bursectomy and partial scapulectomy. Arthroscopy. 2012; 28 (12): 1776-1783.
Kuhne M, Boniquit N, Ghodadra N, Romeo AA, Provencher MT. The snapping scapula: diagnosis and treatment. Arthroscopy. 2009; 25 (11): 1298-1311.
Lien SB, Shen PH, Lee CH, Lin LC. The effect of endoscopic bursectomy with mini-open partial scapulectomy on snapping scapula syndrome. J Surg Res. 2008; 150 (2): 236-242.
Pearse EO, Bruguera J, Massoud SN, Sforza G, Copeland SA, Levy O. Arthroscopic management of the painful snapping scapula. Arthroscopy. 2006; 22 (7): 755-761.
Oizumi N, Suenaga N, Minami A. Snapping scapula caused by abnormal angulation of the superior angle of the scapula. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2004; 13 (1): 115-118.
Greis PE, Scuderi MG, Mohr A, Bachus KN, Burks RT. Glenohumeral articular contact areas and pressures following labral and osseous injury to the anteroinferior quadrant of the glenoid. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2002; 11 (5): 442-451.
Harper GD, McIlroy S, Bayley JI, Calvert PT. Arthroscopic partial resection of the scapula for snapping scapula: a new technique. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 1999; 8 (1): 53-57.
Ruland LJ 3rd, Ruland CM, Matthews LS. Scapulothoracic anatomy for the arthroscopist. Arthroscopy. 1995; 11 (1): 52-56.