2013, Número 2
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2013; 29 (2)
Frecuencia fenotípica y génica de antígenos HLA en la aplasia medular
Morera BLM, Ustariz GC, Fernández DN, Lam DRM, García GMA, de la Guardia PO
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 16
Archivo PDF: 33.57 Kb.
En las últimas décadas se han realizado múltiples estudios sobre la asociación de los
antígenos humanos de histocompatibilidad HLA y diferentes enfermedades
hematológicas y no hematológicas.
Huo MR, Yu Y, Liu HY, Xi B, Huang XJ, Li D. Association of HLA DRB1 polymorphism with susceptibility to myelodysplastic syndrome and aplastic anemia in Chinese Han population Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi. 2011 Jun;28(3):296-9.
Dufour C, Ferretti E, Bagnasco F, Burlando O, Lanciotti M, Ramenghi U, et al. Changes in cytokine profile pre- and post immonosupression in acquiered aplastic anemia. Hematologia. 2009 Dec; 94(12): 1743-7.
Esteves A, Freitas O, Almeida T, Rosado L. Aplasias Medulares Congenitas. An Pediatr (Barc). 2010 Aug; 73(2) 84-7.
Young NS. Pathophysiologic mechanisms in acquired aplastic anemia . Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2006 Jan; 1:72-7. doi: 10.1182/asheducation-2006.1.72.
Marsh JCW, Ball SE, Cavenagh J, Darbyshire P, Dokal I, Gordon- Smith EC et al. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of aplastic anaemia. Br J Haematol. 2009 Oct; 147(1):43-70 doi:10. 1111/j.1365-2141.2009.07842.x.
Tamary H, Nishri D, YacobovichJ, Zilber R, Dgnay O, Krasnov Y et al. Frequency and natural history of inherited bone marrow failure syndromes: the Israeli Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Registry. Haematologica.2010Aug;95(8):1300-7.
Kurre P, Johnson FL, Deeq HJ. Diagnosis and treatment of children with aplastic anemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer .2005 Nov; 45(6):770-80.
Hama A, Yoshimi A, Sakaguchi H, Doisaki S, Muramatsu H, Shimada A et al. Bone marrow findings of childhood aplastic anemia: analyses of 140 cases by central reviewers Rinsho Ketsueki. 2011Aug;52(8):653-8.
Marsh SGE, Albert ED, BodmerWF, Bontrop RE, Dupont B, Erlich HA, et al. Nomeclature for Factors of the System 2010.Tissue Antigens 2010 Apr; 75(4):291- 455.
Terasaki PI, Bernoco D, Park MS, Ozlurk G, Iwaki Y. Microdoplet testing for HLA AB- C and antigens. The Phillips Levine Award Lecture. Am J Clin Pathol. 1978 Feb;69(2):103-20
Böyum A. Isolation of mononuclear cells and granulocytes from human blood and bone marrow.Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 1968; 21(97):77-89.
Albert ED, Thomas ED, Nisperos B, Starb R, Camitta BM, Parkman R. HLA antigens and haplotypes in 200 patients with aplastic anemia. Trasplantation 1976 Nov;22(5):528-30.
Dausset, Gluckman E, Lemerchand F, Nuez-Roldan A, Contu L, Hors J. Exces d¹LAA2 et d homozygotes HLA- A2 parmi les maledes atteints d plasie medullaire et malladie d Fanconi. Nouv Rev Fr Hematol Blood cells 1977;18(2):315-24.
Amaro JD, van Rood J, Rimm AA, Bortin MM. HLA associations in italian and non italian caucasoid aplastic anaemia patients. Tissue Antigens 1983 Mar; 21 (3):184-91.
Ilhan O, Beksac M, Koc H, Akan H, Keskin A, Arslan D. HLA-DR frecuency in Turskish aplastic anemia patients and the impact of HLA DR2 positivity in response rate in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy. Blood 1995 Sep 1:86(5):2005- 6.
Saunthararajah Y, Nakamura R, Nam JM, Robyn J, Loberiza F, Maciejewski JP. HLA DR15(DR2) is overrepresented in myelodysplastic syndrome and aplastic anemia and predicts a response to immunosuppression in myelodysplastic sydrome. Blood 2002 Sep; 100(5)1570-4.