2013, Número S1
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Cir Gen 2013; 35 (S1)
Impacto y prevención de fugas anastomóticas. Nuevos principios, viejas técnicas
González RV
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 13
Paginas: 69-70
Archivo PDF: 37.30 Kb.
Las resecciones con anastomosis son procedimientos que en términos generales se usan para corrección de problemas severos; son muy variados, ya que se emplean a cualquier nivel del tracto gastrointestinal. Quizás la complicación más temida sean las fugas, que conllevan a estados sépticos, con una alta morbimortalidad y con secuencias catastróficas. Con este trabajo se pretende revisar los mayores avances del tema, presentados en los congresos internacionales más importantes del 2012.
Greco RY, Bordan D, Shaikh S, Douyon E. St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center. Non-operative management of delayed esophagojejunostomy anastomotic leak with endoscopically placed stent. En: SAGES. San Diego, California: Annual Meeting; 2012.
Koury J, Maxwell P, Isenberg G, Goldstein S. Thomas Jefferson University. Delayed anastomotic leaks following right colectomy: A retrospective review and case series. En: SAGES. San Diego, California: Annual Meeting; 2012.
Orhalmi J, Turek Z, Ferko A, Páral J. Impact of different fluid volume on intestinal anastomotic stability. En: ASCRS. San Antonio, Texas: Annual Meeting; 2012.
Kalaskar S, Cipe G, Assem S, Da Silva G, Wexner S, Weiss E, et al. Early reoperation after anastomotic leak in colorectal surgery - Are there any predictors? En: ASCRS. San Antonio, Texas: Annual Meeting, 2012.
Thomas M, Rajamanickam V, Kennedy G, Madison WI. Evaluation of anastomotic leaks in laparoscopic versus open colectomy using national surgical quality improvement program data. En: ASCRS. San Antonio, Texas: Annual Meeting, 2012.
ELISE. Sirois-Giguère C, Boulanger-Gobeil J, Gagné R, Grégoire C, Thibault A, Bouchard P, et al. Transanal drainage to treat anastomotic leaks after low anterior resection for rectal cancer: A valuable option? En: SAGES. San Diego, California: Annual Meeting; 2012.
Shada A, Silva M, Mentrikoski M, Rosenberger L, Devore C, Feldman S, et al. Endoluminal vacum therapy for rectal anastomotic leaks: a pilot study in a swine model. En: ASCRS. San Antonio, Texas: Annual Meeting, 2012.
Sugerman HJ, et al. Weight loss with vertical banded gastroplasty and Roux-Y gastric bypass for morbid obesity with selective versus random assignment. Am J Surg 1989; 93: 157.
Warsi AA, Heptinstall L, Passafiume F, Jaw M, Barecca M, Whitelaw D, et al. The impact of use of a novel suture ‘V-Loc’ in Roux. En: Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) in a recognized bariatric centre of excellence. En: SAGES. San Diego, California: Annual Meeting; 2012.
Vix M, Marx L, Diana M, Perretta S, Donatelli G, Callari C, et al. IRCAD, University of Strasbourg, France management of staple line leaks after sleeve gastrectomy in a consecutive series of 378 patients. En: SAGES. San Diego, California: Annual Meeting; 2012.
Nimeri AA, Margarita M, Al Hadad MB. SKMC managed by Cleveland Clinic. Early single stage operative management of sleeve gastrectomy leaks without endoscopic stent placement. En: SAGES. San Diego, California: Annual Meeting; 2012.
Coker AM, Michelotti M, Dotai T, Antozzi L, Acosta G, Rondan A, et al. Center for the Future of Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of California San Diego. Endoscopic treatment of gastric leak following sleeve gastrectomy using an endoscopic clipping system. En: SAGES. San Diego, California: Annual Meeting; 2012.
Almontashery A, Dahlan Y, Alshahrani D, Bakhsh A. King Abdualaziz Medical City, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Endoscopic Clipping for the Treatment of Sleeve Gastrectomy Leaks: It Works! EN: SAGES. San Diego, California: Annual Meeting; 2012.