2011, Número 1
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2011; 50 (1)
Factores pronósticos del cáncer de mama
González OJM, Morales WMM, López CZ, Díaz VM
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 50
Paginas: 130-138
Archivo PDF: 145.10 Kb.
Los factores pronósticos se deben diferenciar de los factores predictivos. Un factor pronóstico es cualquier medición utilizable en el momento de la cirugía que correlaciona con el intervalo libre de enfermedad o supervivencia global en ausencia de tratamiento adyuvante sistémico y como resultado es capaz de correlacionar con la historia natural de la enfermedad. En contraste, un factor predictivo es cualquier medición asociada con respuesta a un tratamiento dado. Entre los factores pronósticos del cáncer de mama existen factores clínicos, histológicos, biológicos, genéticos y psicosociales. En esta revisión de los factores pronósticos psicosociales ha quedado demostrado que el estrés y la depresión son factores pronósticos negativos en las pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se debe recordar que la evaluación de un solo parámetro pronóstico ayuda, pero no es útil para la gestión clínica y terapéutica de la paciente.
Duran Hipolito J,Bellón Juan M. Papel de la cirugía en las metastásis del cáncer de mama. Rev Cir Esp. 2007;82:3-10.
Brekelmans CT, Tilanus-Linthorst MM, Seynaeve C. Tumour characteristics, survival and prognostic factors of hereditary breast cancer from BRCA-2 - BRCA-1 and non BRCA ½ families as compared to sporadic breast cancer cases. Eur J Cancer. 2007;43(5):867-76.
Hartley MC, McKinley BP, Rogers EA. Differential expression of prognostic factors and effect on survival in young (< or =40) breast cancer patients a case control study. Am Surg. 2006;72(12):118994.
Kim JK, Kwak BS, Lee JS. Do very young Korean breast cancer patients have worse outcomes? Ann Surg Oncol. 2007;14(12):3385-91.
Chia KS, Du WB, Sankaranayanan R. Do younger female breast cancer patients have a poorer prognosis? Results from a population-based survival analysis. Int J Cancer. 2004;108(5):761-56.
Van der Leest M, Evers L, van der Sangen. The safety of breast conserving therapy in patients with breast cáncer aged < or = 40 years. Cancer. 2007;109(10):1957-64.
Anderson PR, Hanlon AL, Freedman GM. Parity confers better prognosis in older women with early stage breast cancer treated with breast-conserving therapy. Clin Breast Cancer. 2004;5(3):225-31.
Kelly HL, Collichio FA, Dees EC. Concomitant pregnancy and breast cancer: options for systemic therapy. Breast Dis. 2006;23:95-101.
Wong-Suk Lee, Jeong Eon Lee, Jung Han Min. Analysis of prognostic factors and treatment modality changes in breast cancer: a single study in Korea. Yousei Med J. 2007;48(3):465-73.
Yildirim E, Berberoglu U. Lymph node ratio is more valuable than level III involvement for prediction of outcome in node-positive breast carcinoma patients. World J. Surg. 2007;31(2):276-89.
Truong PT, Berthelet E, Lee J. The prognostic significance of the percentage of positive/dissected axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer recurrence and survival in patients with one to three positive axillary lymph nodes. Cancer 2005;103(10):2006-14.
Strauzl H, Mayer R, Ofner P. Extracapsular extension in positive axillary lymph nodes in female breast cancer patients. Patterns of failure and indications for postoperative locoregional irradiation. Strahleuther Onkol. 2004;180(1):31-7 .
Ito M, Moriya T, Ishida T. Significance of pathological evaluation for lymphatic vessel invasion in invasive breast cancer. Breast Cancer. 2007;14(4):381-7.
Singletary SE, Allred C, Ashley P. Revision of the American Committee on cancer staging system for breast. J Clin Oncol. 2002;20:3628-36.
Allgood PC, Duffy SW, Warren R. Audit of negative assessment s in a breast screening program in women who later develop breast cancer implications for survival. Breast 2006;15(4):503-9.
González Blanco I, García Hervas JM. Historia natural del cancer de mama. Toko-Ginecología Pract. 2002;61(662):264-9.
Sarp S, Fioretta G, Verkooijen HM. Tumor location of the lower inner quadrant is associated with an impaired survival for women with early-stage breast cancer . Ann Surg Oncol. 2007;14(3):1031-9.
Kruk J. Association of lifestyle and other risk factors with breast cancer according to menopausal status. A case control study in the region of western Pomerania (Poland). Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. 2007;8(4):513-24.
Lange CA. Challenges to defining a role for progesterone in breast cancer. Steroids. 2008;73(9-10):914-21.
Reed W, Hannisdel E, Skoviund E. Pregnancy and breast cancer: a population-based study. Virchows Arch. 2003;443(1):44-50.
Thriveni K, Deshmane V, Bapsy PP. Clinical utility of serum human epidermal receptor-2/neu detection in breast cancer patients. Indian J. Med. Res. 2007;125(2):137-42
Braga S, dal Lago L, Bernard C. Use of trastuzumab for the treatment of early stage breast cancer. Expert Rev. Anticancer Ther. 2006;6(8):1153-64.
Iwaya K, Norio K, Mukai K. Co expression of Arp 2 and WAVE 2 predicts poor outcome in invasive breast carcinoma. Mod. Pathol. 2007;20(3):339-43.
Karaduman M, Bilici A, Ozet A, Sengul A, Musabak U, Alomeroglu M. Tissue levels of adiponectin in breast cancer patients. Med. Oncol. 2007;24:3616.
Fabry Lafay S, Moraville F, Garrido Urbani S. Nectin4 is a new histological and serological tumour associated marker for breast cancer. BMC. Cancer. 2007;7:73.
Duran Hipolito J,Bellón Juan M. Papel de la cirugía en las metastásis del cáncer de mama. Rev Cir Esp. 2007;82:3-10.
Brekelmans CT, Tilanus-Linthorst MM, Seynaeve C. Tumour characteristics, survival and prognostic factors of hereditary breast cancer from BRCA-2-BRCA-1 and non BRCA ½ families as compared to sporadic breast cancer cases. Eur J Cancer. 2007;43(5):867-76.
Hartley MC, McKinley BP, Rogers EA. Differential expression of prognostic factors and effect on survival in young (‹ or =40) breast cancer patients a case control study. Am Surg. 2006;72(12):118994.
Kim JK, Kwak BS, Lee JS. Do very young Korean breast cancer patients have worse outcomes? Ann Surg Oncol. 2007;14(12):3385-91.
Chia KS, Du WB, Sankaranayanan R. Do younger female breast cancer patients have a poorer prognosis? Results from a population-based survival analysis. Int J Cancer. 2004;108(5):761-56.
Van der Leest M, Evers L, van der Sangen. The safety of breast conserving therapy in patients with breast cáncer aged ‹ or = 40 years. Cancer. 2007;109(10):1957-64.
Anderson PR, Hanlon AL, Freedman GM. Parity confers better prognosis in older women with early stage breast cancer treated with breast-conserving therapy. Clin Breast Cancer. 2004;5(3):225-31.
Kelly HL, Collichio FA, Dees EC. Concomitant pregnancy and breast cancer: options for systemic therapy. Breast Dis. 2006;23:95-101.
Wong-Suk Lee, Jeong Eon Lee, Jung Han Min. Analysis of prognostic factors and treatment modality changes in breast cancer: a single study in Korea. Yousei Med J. 2007;48(3):465-73.
Yildirim E, Berberoglu U. Lymph node ratio is more valuable than level III involvement for prediction of outcome in node-positive breast carcinoma patients. World J. Surg. 2007;31(2):276-89.
Truong PT, Berthelet E, Lee J. The prognostic significance of the percentage of positive/dissected axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer recurrence and survival in patients with one to three positive axillary lymph nodes. Cancer 2005;103(10):2006-14.
Strauzl H, Mayer R, Ofner P. Extracapsular extension in positive axillary lymph nodes in female breast cancer patients. Patterns of failure and indications for postoperative locoregional irradiation. Strahleuther Onkol. 2004;180(1):31-7 .
Ito M, Moriya T, Ishida T. Significance of pathological evaluation for lymphatic vessel invasion in invasive breast cancer. Breast Cancer. 2007;14(4):381-7.
Singletary SE, Allred C, Ashley P. Revision of the American Committee on cancer staging system for breast. J Clin Oncol. 2002;20:3628-36.
Allgood PC, Duffy SW, Warren R. Audit of negative assessment s in a breast screening program in women who later develop breast cancer implications for survival. Breast 2006;15(4):503-9.
González Blanco I, García Hervas JM. Historia natural del cancer de mama. Toko-Ginecología Pract. 2002;61(662):264-9.
Sarp S, Fioretta G, Verkooijen HM. Tumor location of the lower inner quadrant is associated with an impaired survival for women with early-stage breast cancer . Ann Surg Oncol. 2007;14(3):1031-9.
Kruk J. Association of lifestyle and other risk factors with breast cancer according to menopausal status. A case control study in the region of western Pomerania (Poland). Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. 2007;8(4):513-24.
Lange CA. Challenges to defining a role for progesterone in breast cancer. Steroids. 2008;73(9-10):914-21.
Reed W, Hannisdel E, Skoviund E. Pregnancy and breast cancer: a population-based study. Virchows Arch. 2003;443(1):44-50.
Thriveni K, Deshmane V, Bapsy PP. Clinical utility of serum human epidermal receptor-2/neu detection in breast cancer patients. Indian J. Med. Res. 2007;125(2):137-42
Braga S, dal Lago L, Bernard C. Use of trastuzumab for the treatment of early stage breast cancer. Expert Rev. Anticancer Ther. 2006;6(8):1153-64.
Iwaya K, Norio K, Mukai K. Co expression of Arp 2 and WAVE 2 predicts poor outcome in invasive breast carcinoma. Mod. Pathol. 2007;20(3):339-43.
Karaduman M, Bilici A, Ozet A, Sengul A, Musabak U, Alomeroglu M. Tissue levels of adiponectin in breast cancer patients. Med. Oncol. 2007;24:3616.
Fabry Lafay S, Moraville F, Garrido Urbani S. Nectin4 is a new histological and serological tumour associated marker for breast cancer. BMC. Cancer. 2007;7:73.