2008, Número 4
Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2008; 21 (4)
A teenager with recurrent respiratory infections and difficult-to-treat allergies
Reyna-Guerra JM, Lugo-Reyes SO, García-Cruz ML, Terán-Juárez LM
Idioma: Ingles.
Referencias bibliográficas: 4
Paginas: 288-291
Archivo PDF: 56.34 Kb.
This journal section begins with a case vignette highlighting a clinical immunology problem, from patients seen at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases. A discussion of the disease and its management then follows. This time we present the case of a male teenager with a long history of respiratory allergies and recurrent respiratory infections, and the development of bronchiectases. As it turned out, the patient had an IgG subclass deficiency, which could explain both his recurrent complicated respiratory infections and a failure to respond to sublingual immunotherapy for his allergies.REFERENCIAS (EN ESTE ARTÍCULO)