2006, Número S2
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salud publica mex 2006; 48 (S2)
Abuso físico y sexual durante la niñez y revictimización de las mujeres mexicanas durante la edad adulta
Rivera-Rivera L, Allen B, Chávez-Ayala R, Avila-Burgos L
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 97
Paginas: 268-278
Archivo PDF: 106.51 Kb.
Objetivo. Cuantificar la asociación que existe entre el abuso físico y sexual durante la niñez y la violencia durante la edad adulta en una muestra representativa de usuarias de los servicios de salud en México.
Material y métodos. Se analizaron datos provenientes de una encuesta nacional, con una muestra de 26 042 mujeres mayores de 14 años, quienes acudieron a consulta a los servicios públicos de salud entre octubre de 2002 y marzo de 2003, en los 32 estados de la República. Se utilizaron dos modelos: a) Modelo de regresión logística politómica múltiple para explorar las asociaciones entre violencia física y sexual por parte de la pareja y violencia durante la niñez. b) Modelo de regresión logística múltiple para evaluar la asociación entre violación durante la edad adulta y violencia durante la niñez.
Resultados. Se encontró una asociación entre experimentar violencia física durante la niñez, y padecer violencia física y sexual por parte de la pareja o sufrir violación durante la edad adulta. Cuando la mujer informó que había recibido golpes “casi siempre” durante la niñez, era más probable que experimentara violencia física y sexual (
IC95% 2.6-3.7) y violación (
IC95% 2.4-3.6) durante la edad adulta. Además, mientras más frecuente había sido la violencia durante la niñez, era mayor la posibilidad de que la mujer sufriera violencia posteriormente. Asimismo, se encontró una asociación positiva entre violencia física y sexual por parte de la pareja y abuso sexual antes de los 15 años de edad. (
IC95% 2.2-3.5). La violación sufrida en la edad adulta también estuvo asociada al abuso sexual antes de los 15 años de edad (
IC95% 10.2-13.7).
Conclusiones. La violencia sufrida durante la niñez crea un cuadro de resultados negativos, tanto psicológicos como físicos, y uno de ellos es la revictimización. Es decir, las mujeres que son víctimas de violencia durante la niñez tienen una mayor probabilidad de sufrirla durante la edad adulta. El abuso físico y sexual durante la niñez debe prevenirse o, en su defecto, detectarse y tratarse.
Cloitre M, Cohen LR, Edelman RE, Han H. Posttraumatic stress disorder and extent of trauma exposure as correlates of medical problems and perceived health among women with childhood abuse. Women Health 2001;34(3):1-17.
Taylor RR, Jason LA. Chronic fatigue, abuse-related traumatization, and psychiatric disorders in a community-based sample. Soc Sci Med 2002;55:247-256.
Drossman DA, Talley NJ, Leserman J, Olden KW, Barreiro MA. Sexual and physical abuse and gastrointestinal illness: review and recommendations. Ann Intern Med 1995;123:782-794.
Flannery DJ, Singer MI, Wester K. Violence exposure, psychological trauma, and suicide risk in a community sample of dangerously violent adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2001;40(4):435-442.
DuRant RH, Altman D, Wolfson M, Barkin S, Kreiter S, Krowchuk D. Exposure to violence and victimization, depression, substance use, and the use of violence by young adolescents. J Pediatr 2000;137:707-713.
Hill J, Pickles A, Burnside E, Byatt M, Rollinson L, Davis R et al. Child sexual abuse, poor parental care and adult depression: evidence for different mechanisms. Br J Psychiatry 2001;179:104-109.
McHolm AE, MacMillan HL, Jamieson E. The relationship between childhood physical abuse and suicidality among depressed women: results from a community sample. Am J Psychiatry 2003;160:933-938.
Brodsky BS, Oquendo M, Ellis SP, Haas GL, Malone KM, Mann JJ. The relationship of childhood abuse to impulsivity and suicidal behavior in adults with major depression. Am J Psychiatry 2001;158:1871-1877.
Cleary SD. Adolescent victimization and associated suicidal and violent behaviors. Adolescence 2000;35(140):671-682.
Johnson JG, Cohen P, Gould MS, Kasen S, Brown J, Brook JS. Childhood adversities, interpersonal difficulties, and risk for suicide attempts during late adolescence and early adulthood. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2002;59:741-749.
Nichols HB, Harlow BL. Childhood abuse and risk of smoking onset. J Epidemiol Comunity Health 2004;58:402-406.
Heffernan K, Cloitre M, Tardiff K, Marzuk PM, Portera L, Leon AC. Childhood trauma as a correlate of lifetime opiate use in psychiatric patients. Addict Behav 2000;25(5):797-803.
Wyatt GE, Guthrie D, Notgrass CM. Differential effects of women’s child sexual abuse and subsequent sexual revictimization. J Consult Clin Psychol 1992;60(2):167-173.
Maman S, Campbell J, Sweat MD, Gielen AC. The intersections of HIV and violence: directions for future research and interventions. Soc Sci Med 2000;50(4):459-478.
Fergusson MD, Horwood JL, Lynskey TL. Childhood sexual abuse, adolescent sexual behaviors and sexual revictimization. Child Abuse Negl 1997;21(8):789-803.
Ramírez Rodríguez JC, Uribe Vázquez G. Mujer y violencia: Un hecho cotidiano. Sal Pub Mex 1993;35(2):148-160.
Ramos BM, Carlson BE, McNutt LA. Lifetime abuse, mental health, and African American women. J Fam Violence 2004;19(3):153-164.
Gilbert L, El-Bassel N, Schilling R, Friedman E. Childhood abuse as a risk for partner abuse among women in methadone maintenance. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 1997;23:581-595.
Irwin HJ. Violent and nonviolent revictimization of women abused in childhood. J Interpers Violence 1999;14:1095-1110.
Kemp A, Rawlings EI, Green BL. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in battered women: a shelter sample. J Trauma Stress 1991;4:137-148.
Briere J, Runtz M. Post sexual abuse trauma: data and implications for clinical practice. J Interpers Violence 1987;2:367-379.
Gorcey M, Santiago JM, McCall-Perez F. Psychological consequences for women sexually abused in childhood. Soc Psychiatry 1986;21:129-133.
Alexander PC, Lupfer SL. Family characteristics and long-term consequences associated with sexual abuse. Arch Sex Behav 1987;16:235-245.
Gidycz CA, Coble CN, Latham L, Layman JM. Sexual assault experience in adulthood and prior victimization experiences: a prospective analysis. Psychol Women Q 1993;17:151-168.
Dutton MA, Burghardt KJ, Perrin SG, Chrestman KR, Halle PM. Battered women’s cognitive schemata. J Trauma Stress 1994;7:237-255.
Stevenson MR, Gajarsky WM. Unwanted childhood sexual experiences relate to later revictimisation and male perpetration.
J Psychol Human Sex 1992;4:57-70.
Jackson JL, Calhoun KS, Amick AE, Madderer HM, Habif VL. Young adult women who report intrafamilial sexual abuse: subsequent adjustment. Arch Sex Behav 1990;19:211-221.
Koss MP, Dinero TE. Discriminant analysis of risk factors for sexual victimisation among a national sample of college women. J Consult Clin Psychol 1989;57:242-250.
Mayall A, Gold SR. Definitional issues and mediating variables in the sexual revictimisation of women sexually abused as children. J Interpers Violence 1995;10:26-42.
Mandoki CA, Burkhart BR. Sexual victimization: is there a vicious cycle: Violence Vict 1989;4:179-190.
Kilpatrick DG, Acierno R, Resnick HS, Saunders BE, Best CL. A 2-year longitudinal analysis of the relationship between violent assault and substance use in women. J Consult Clin Psychol 1997;65:834-847.
Beichman JH, Zucker JK, Hood JE, DaCosta GA. A review of the long-term effects of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Negl 1992;16(1):101-118.
Urquiza AJ, Goodlin-Jones BL. Child sexual abuse and adult revictimization with women of color. Violence Vict 1994;9(3):223-232.
Krahe B, Scheinberger-Olwig R, Waizenhofer E, Kolpin S. Childhood sexual abuse and revictimization in adolescence. Child Abuse Negl 1999;23(4):383-394.
Jankowski MK, Leitenberg H, Henning K, Coffey P. Parental caring as a possible buffer against sexual revictimization in young adult survivors of child sexual abuse. J Trauma Stress 2002;15(3):235-244.
Coid J, Petruckevitch A, Feder G, Chung WS, Richardson J, Moorey S. Relation between childhood sexual and physical abuse and risk of revictimisation in women: a cross-sectional survey. Lancet 2001;358:450-454.
Cloitre M, Tardiff K, Marzuk PM, Leon AC, Portera L. Childhood abuse and subsequent sexual assault among female inpatients. J Trauma Stress 1996;9(3):473-482.
Desai S, Arias I, Thompson MP, Basile KC. Childhood victimization and subsequent adult revictimization assessed in a nationally representative sample of women and men. Violence Vict 2002;17(6):639-653.
Alvarado-Zaldívar G, Salvador-Moysén J, Estrada-Martínez S, Torrones-González A. Prevalencia de violencia doméstica en la ciudad de Durango. Salud Publica Mex 1998;40:481-486.
Castro R, Ruiz A. Prevalencia y severidad de la violencia contra mujeres embarazadas, México. Saude Publica 2004;38:62-70.
Rivera-Rivera L, Lazcano-Ponce E, Salmerón-Castro J, Salazar-Martínez E, Castro R, Hernández-Ávila M. Prevalence and determinants of male partner violence against Mexican women: A population-based study. Salud Publica Mex 2004;46:113-122.
Encuesta Nacional sobre Violencia contra las Mujeres 2003. (ENVIM, 2003). Cuernavaca, México: Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, 2003.
Hudson W, Mcintosh S. The assessment of spouse abuse: Two quantifiable dimensions. J Marriage Fam 1981;43:873-885.
Marshall L. Development of the severity of violence against women scales. J Fam Violence 1992;7:103-121.
Valdez-Santiago R, Híjar-Medina M, Salgado N, Rivera-Rivera L, Avila-Burgos L, Olaíz-Fernández G. Escala de violencia e índice de severidad: una propuesta metodológica para la medición de la violencia de pareja en mujeres mexicanas. Salud Publica Mex 2006;48 supl 2:S221-S231.
Olaiz G, Franco A, Palma O, Echarri C, Valdez R, Herrera C. Diseño metodológico de la Encuesta Nacional sobre Violencia contra las Mujeres en México. Salud Publica Mex 2006;48 supl 2:S328-S335.
Merrill LL, Newell CE, Thomsen CJ, Gold SR, Milner JS, Koss MP et al. Childhood abuse and sexual revictimization in a female Navy recruit sample. J Trauma Stress 1999;12(2):211-225.
Desai S, Arias I, Thompson MP, Basile KC. Childhood victimization and subsequent adult revictimization assessed in a nationally representative sample of women and men. Violence Vict 2002;17(6):639-653.
Cloitre M, Cohen LR, Edelman RE, Han H. Posttraumatic stress disorder and extent of trauma exposure as correlates of medical problems and perceived health among women with childhood abuse. Women Health 2001;34(3):1-17.
Taylor RR, Jason LA. Chronic fatigue, abuse-related traumatization, and psychiatric disorders in a community-based sample. Soc Sci Med 2002;55:247-256.
Drossman DA, Talley NJ, Leserman J, Olden KW, Barreiro MA. Sexual and physical abuse and gastrointestinal illness: review and recommendations. Ann Intern Med 1995;123:782-794.
Flannery DJ, Singer MI, Wester K. Violence exposure, psychological trauma, and suicide risk in a community sample of dangerously violent adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2001;40(4):435-442.
DuRant RH, Altman D, Wolfson M, Barkin S, Kreiter S, Krowchuk D. Exposure to violence and victimization, depression, substance use, and the use of violence by young adolescents. J Pediatr 2000;137:707-713.
Hill J, Pickles A, Burnside E, Byatt M, Rollinson L, Davis R et al. Child sexual abuse, poor parental care and adult depression: evidence for different mechanisms. Br J Psychiatry 2001;179:104-109.
McHolm AE, MacMillan HL, Jamieson E. The relationship between childhood physical abuse and suicidality among depressed women: results from a community sample. Am J Psychiatry 2003;160:933-938.
Brodsky BS, Oquendo M, Ellis SP, Haas GL, Malone KM, Mann JJ. The relationship of childhood abuse to impulsivity and suicidal behavior in adults with major depression. Am J Psychiatry 2001;158:1871-1877.
Cleary SD. Adolescent victimization and associated suicidal and violent behaviors. Adolescence 2000;35(140):671-682.
Johnson JG, Cohen P, Gould MS, Kasen S, Brown J, Brook JS. Childhood adversities, interpersonal difficulties, and risk for suicide attempts during late adolescence and early adulthood. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2002;59:741-749.
Nichols HB, Harlow BL. Childhood abuse and risk of smoking onset. J Epidemiol Comunity Health 2004;58:402-406.
Heffernan K, Cloitre M, Tardiff K, Marzuk PM, Portera L, Leon AC. Childhood trauma as a correlate of lifetime opiate use in psychiatric patients. Addict Behav 2000;25(5):797-803.
Wyatt GE, Guthrie D, Notgrass CM. Differential effects of women’s child sexual abuse and subsequent sexual revictimization. J Consult Clin Psychol 1992;60(2):167-173.
Maman S, Campbell J, Sweat MD, Gielen AC. The intersections of HIV and violence: directions for future research and interventions. Soc Sci Med 2000;50(4):459-478.
Fergusson MD, Horwood JL, Lynskey TL. Childhood sexual abuse, adolescent sexual behaviors and sexual revictimization. Child Abuse Negl 1997;21(8):789-803.
Ramírez Rodríguez JC, Uribe Vázquez G. Mujer y violencia: Un hecho cotidiano. Sal Pub Mex 1993;35(2):148-160.
Ramos BM, Carlson BE, McNutt LA. Lifetime abuse, mental health, and African American women. J Fam Violence 2004;19(3):153-164.
Gilbert L, El-Bassel N, Schilling R, Friedman E. Childhood abuse as a risk for partner abuse among women in methadone maintenance. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 1997;23:581-595.
Irwin HJ. Violent and nonviolent revictimization of women abused in childhood. J Interpers Violence 1999;14:1095-1110.
Kemp A, Rawlings EI, Green BL. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in battered women: a shelter sample. J Trauma Stress 1991;4:137-148.
Briere J, Runtz M. Post sexual abuse trauma: data and implications for clinical practice. J Interpers Violence 1987;2:367-379.
Gorcey M, Santiago JM, McCall-Perez F. Psychological consequences for women sexually abused in childhood. Soc Psychiatry 1986;21:129-133.
Alexander PC, Lupfer SL. Family characteristics and long-term consequences associated with sexual abuse. Arch Sex Behav 1987;16:235-245.
Gidycz CA, Coble CN, Latham L, Layman JM. Sexual assault experience in adulthood and prior victimization experiences: a prospective analysis. Psychol Women Q 1993;17:151-168.
Dutton MA, Burghardt KJ, Perrin SG, Chrestman KR, Halle PM. Battered women’s cognitive schemata. J Trauma Stress 1994;7:237-255.
Stevenson MR, Gajarsky WM. Unwanted childhood sexual experiences relate to later revictimisation and male perpetration. J Psychol Human Sex 1992;4:57-70.
Jackson JL, Calhoun KS, Amick AE, Madderer HM, Habif VL. Young adult women who report intrafamilial sexual abuse: subsequent adjustment. Arch Sex Behav 1990;19:211-221.
Koss MP, Dinero TE. Discriminant analysis of risk factors for sexual victimisation among a national sample of college women. J Consult Clin Psychol 1989;57:242-250.
Mayall A, Gold SR. Definitional issues and mediating variables in the sexual revictimisation of women sexually abused as children. J Interpers Violence 1995;10:26-42.
Mandoki CA, Burkhart BR. Sexual victimization: is there a vicious cycle: Violence Vict 1989;4:179-190.
Kilpatrick DG, Acierno R, Resnick HS, Saunders BE, Best CL. A 2-year longitudinal analysis of the relationship between violent assault and substance use in women. J Consult Clin Psychol 1997;65:834-847.
Beichman JH, Zucker JK, Hood JE, DaCosta GA. A review of the long-term effects of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Negl 1992;16(1):101-118.
Urquiza AJ, Goodlin-Jones BL. Child sexual abuse and adult revictimization with women of color. Violence Vict 1994;9(3):223-232.
Krahe B, Scheinberger-Olwig R, Waizenhofer E, Kolpin S. Childhood sexual abuse and revictimization in adolescence. Child Abuse Negl 1999;23(4):383-394.
Jankowski MK, Leitenberg H, Henning K, Coffey P. Parental caring as a possible buffer against sexual revictimization in young adult survivors of child sexual abuse. J Trauma Stress 2002;15(3):235-244.
Coid J, Petruckevitch A, Feder G, Chung WS, Richardson J, Moorey S. Relation between childhood sexual and physical abuse and risk of revictimisation in women: a cross-sectional survey. Lancet 2001;358:450-454.
Cloitre M, Tardiff K, Marzuk PM, Leon AC, Portera L. Childhood abuse and subsequent sexual assault among female inpatients. J Trauma Stress 1996;9(3):473-482.
Desai S, Arias I, Thompson MP, Basile KC. Childhood victimization and subsequent adult revictimization assessed in a nationally representative sample of women and men. Violence Vict 2002;17(6):639-653.
Alvarado-Zaldívar G, Salvador-Moysén J, Estrada-Martínez S, Torrones-González A. Prevalencia de violencia doméstica en la ciudad de Durango. Salud Publica Mex 1998;40:481-486.
Castro R, Ruiz A. Prevalencia y severidad de la violencia contra mujeres embarazadas, México. Saude Publica 2004;38:62-70.
Rivera-Rivera L, Lazcano-Ponce E, Salmerón-Castro J, Salazar-Martínez E, Castro R, Hernández-Ávila M. Prevalence and determinants of male partner violence against Mexican women: A population-based study. Salud Publica Mex 2004;46:113-122.
Encuesta Nacional sobre Violencia contra las Mujeres 2003. (ENVIM, 2003). Cuernavaca, México: Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, 2003.
Hudson W, Mcintosh S. The assessment of spouse abuse: Two quantifiable dimensions. J Marriage Fam 1981;43:873-885.
Marshall L. Development of the severity of violence against women scales. J Fam Violence 1992;7:103-121.
Valdez-Santiago R, Híjar-Medina M, Salgado N, Rivera-Rivera L, Avila-Burgos L, Olaíz-Fernández G. Escala de violencia e índice de severidad: una propuesta metodológica para la medición de la violencia de pareja en mujeres mexicanas. Salud Publica Mex 2006;48 supl 2:S221-S231.
Olaiz G, Franco A, Palma O, Echarri C, Valdez R, Herrera C. Diseño metodológico de la Encuesta Nacional sobre Violencia contra las Mujeres en México. Salud Publica Mex 2006;48 supl 2:S328-S335.
Merrill LL, Newell CE, Thomsen CJ, Gold SR, Milner JS, Koss MP et al. Childhood abuse and sexual revictimization in a female Navy recruit sample. J Trauma Stress 1999;12(2):211-225.
Desai S, Arias I, Thompson MP, Basile KC. Childhood victimization and subsequent adult revictimization assessed in a nationally representative sample of women and men. Violence Vict 2002;17(6):639-653.