Tabla 1: Descripción de los objetivos del instrumento objective structured Assessment of Debriefing (OSAD) original.

Objective Structured Assessment of Debriefing









Confrontational, judgmental approach


Attempts to establish rapport with the learner(s) but is either over- critical or too informal in their approach


Establishes and maintains rapport throughout; uses a non-threatening but honest approach, creating a psychologically safe environment


Establishes learning environment

Unclear expectations of the learner(s); no rules for learner(s) engagement


Explains purpose of the debriefing or learning session but does not clarify learner(s) expectations


Explains purpose of debrief and clarifies expectations and objectives from the learner(s) at the start


Engagement of learners

Purely didactic; facilitator doing all of the talking, and not involving passive learner(s)


Learner(s) participates in the discussion but mostly through closed questions; facilitator not actively inviting contributions from more passive learner(s)


Encourages participation of learner(s) through use of open-ended questions; invites learner(s) to actively contribute to discussion



No acknowledgment of learner(s)’s reactions, or emotional impact of the experience


Asks the learner(s) about their feelings but does not fully explore their reaction to the event


Fully explores learner(s)’s reaction to the event, dealing appropriately with learner(s)’s who are unhappy


Descriptive reflection

No opportunity for self-reflection; learner(s) not asked to describe what actually happened in the scenario


Some description of events by facilitator, but with little self-reflection by learner(s)


Encourages learner(s) to self-reflect upon what happened using a step by step approach



Reasons and consequences of actions are not explored with the learner(s)


Some exploration of reasons and consequences of actions by facilitator (but not learner(s)), but no opportunity to relate to previous experience


Helps learner(s) to explore reasons and consequences of actions, identifying specific examples and relating to previous experience

7. Diagnosis

No feedback on clinical or teamwork skills; does not identify performance gaps or provide positive reinforcement


Feedback provided only on clinical (technical) skills; focuses on errors and not purely on behaviours that can be changed


Provides objective feedback on clinical (technical) and teamwork skills; identifies positive behaviours in addition to performance gaps, specifically targeting behaviours that can be changed

8. Application

No opportunity for learner(s) to identify strategies for future improvement or to consolidate key learning points


Some discussion of learning points and strategies for improvement but lack of application of this knowledge to future clinical practice


Reinforces key learning points identified by learner(s) and highlights how strategies for improvement could be applied to future clinical practice

Tomada de: Arora S, et al.6