Table 1: European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS).



choices / free


1) Do you perform scoliosis procedures?

a) Yes

b) No

2) Approximately how many scoliosis procedures do you perform in a typical year?

a) 0-5

b) 5-10

c) 10-15

d) 20-25

e) 25-30

f) 30-35

g) > 35

3) How many years have you been practicing as an orthopedic surgeon?

a) 0-5

b) 5-10

c) 10-15

d) 15-20

e) 20-25

f) 25-30

g) 30-35

h) > 35

4) Did you complete «formal training» in pediatric orthopedic surgery? formal pediatric orthopedic surgery training includes: pediatric orthopedic surgery fellowship, subspecialty pediatric orthopedic training, and pediatric orthopedic mentorship training

a) Yes

b) No

5) Did you complete «formal training» in spine surgery? formal spine surgery training includes: spinal surgery fellowship, subspecialty spinal surgery training, and spinal surgery mentorship training

a) Yes

b) No

6) Which country do you practice in?

Free response

7) What type of hospital do you practice in?

a) Community

b) Academic

c) Private

8) Which country did you complete training in?

Free response