Table 3: Diagnosis with chest X-ray, TST, nucleic acid amplification

and IGRA in children and adults.8,11,15-17,31-34


Data from other reports

Clinical Practice Guide

WHO consolidated

guidelines on

tuberculosis 2022.



Normal or lateral chest X-ray

A primary complex,

consisting of: opacification

(mediastinal or subcarinal)

and consolidation or

a segmental lesion

(infiltrate and atelectasis)

With unilateral infiltrate

or pleural effusion

not explainable

by another cause

It has poor specificity

and therefore

very low performance

for true positive TB

Sputum bacilloscopy

Induction of sputum

(warm saline) in cases of

sampling is difficult.

In sputum and

gastric juice with

the disadvantage

that it is paucibacillary

Basic diagnostic test,

not very sensitive

Tuberculin skin test

Immunocompromised children

(including HIV positive children):

> 5 mm and in all other children

(with or without BCG vaccine):

> 10 mm

Exposed to adults with

active PTB ≥ 10 mm

> 5 mm in children

with severe malnutrition,

> 10 mm children exposed

to adults with TB

Xpert MTB/RIF or Xpert Ultra

Xpert MTB/RIF in

pulmonary TB, and

extrapulmonary detects 80%

It does not mention

information about it

The Xpert Ultra test

should be used as

the initial diagnostic

test for TB

IGRA in children

It is limited, of low quality,

little evidence of studies

in neonates and schoolchildren.

In children with HIV,

sensitivity is low

It does not mention

information about it

In children

over 2 years of age


Normal or lateral chest X-ray in adults

Hilarlymph adenopathies,

pleural effusion

Pulmonary consolidation,

fibrous changes on

chest X-ray suggestive

of inactive PTB

Extensive cavernous disease may occur.

It offers high sensitivity,

but low specificity

Sputum bacilloscopy in adults


with 73% sensitivity

Rapid study, sensitivity

(51.8%), specificity (97.5%)

Nebulization with hypertonic

sterile saline solution (3%)

where it is not possible

to obtain a sample


It is a basic diagnostic


It is not a very sensitive test

Recommended for

monitoring patients

with treatment

Tuberculin skin test in adults

People without risk factor:

> 15 mm

People where TB is endemic:

> 10 mm

People with recent contact

or HIV: > 5 mm

≥ 10 mm or ≥ 5 in:

close contact with

active TB case,

HIV, immunocompromise,

corticosteroid use,



> 5 mm in recent contact

with TB, > 10 mm in: injecting drug users,

residents of high-risk groups

* and > 15 mm in

people without risk factors

for contact with TB

Xpert MTB/RIF in adults

High specificity (85-98%)

High sensitivity for TB with

positive bacilloscopy (96%)

Lower sensitivity for TB with

negative bacilloscopy (66%)

It does not mention

information about it

It should be used as the

initial TB diagnostic test

and detection of

rifampicin resistance

IGRA in adults


> 95% specificity and

better sensitivity when

combined with TST

It does not mention

information about it

Decreases exposure to TB

preventive treatment

TST = tuberculin skin test.

IGRA = interferon gamma release assays.

WHO =World Health Organization.

TB = tuberculosis.

HIV: human immunodeficiency virus.

PTB = pulmonary tuberculosis.

BCG = bacillus Calmette Guerin.

* People who are in jail, recent immigrants from countries that have a high TB burden.