Table 2: Etiology of compartment syndrome

due to extrinsic and intrinsic causes.

Intrinsic causes

Extrinsic causes

They increase the volume inside the compartment

Restrict dilatation of the

compartmental envelope


Trauma (fracture, vascular injury)

Coagulopathies (hemophilia, post-resuscitation coagulopathy)

Anticoagulant therapy (heparin, coumarins, thrombolytic agents)

Tight bandages, splints,

or circumferential casts

Burn eschar

Surgical closure of

facial defects


Ischemia / reperfusion (arterial lesions, embolism, and thrombosis)

Electrical injuries

Venous thrombosis (phlegmasia cerulea dolens)

Exercise or rhabdomyolysis

Prolonged use of

a tourniquet

Lithotomy position

during surgery

Military anti-shock pants