2021, Number 05
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Revista Médica Sinergia 2021; 6 (05)
Infective endocarditis: an updated view
Padilla EDS, Acuña NIM, Rojas ZAG
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 197.59 Kb.
Infective endocarditis is an infrequent infection with high morbidity and mortality rates; therefore, adequate detection, management and treatment is vital. Currently, important changes have been evidenced in its epidemiology, specifically the nosocomial infectious endocarditis origin. Therefore, the current medical challenge is to identify the correct antibiotic therapy selection and its duration, in order to obtain a good response and clinical evolution. This article aims to gather updated and necessary information that will be of help to medical personnel when dealing with this pathology.
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