2021, Number 3
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2021; 64 (3)
Conceptual Bases of Metabolic Surgery
Arana RJC, Cerón RF, Díaz RJJ, Vázquez PR, Aparicio PR, García FR, Corona BA
Language: Spanish
References: 66
Page: 7-19
PDF size: 476.03 Kb.
The term Metabolic Syndrome (MS) has been used since its
introduction in 2001 by the National Cholesterol Program
(NCEP: ATP III). The concept has been discussed in the scientific
literature for decades. The X Syndrome and other terms
such as "death quartet" and insulin resistance syndrome have
been used to describe the association between metabolic
and cardiovascular risk factors. In Mexico, the prevalence of
MS in the National Health and Nutrition Survey (Encuesta
Nacional de Salud y Nutrición, ENSANUT) was 34% in 2000
and 41% in 2012. Lifestyle modifications along with increased
physical activity, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption
are essential for management and prevention because
they play a central role in metabolic abnormalities.
However, despite the large amount of medications available
for diabetes, up to 50% of patients have been reported to fail
to achieve adequate control goals, as defined by the American
Diabetes Association (glycosylated hemoglobin ‹7%). In
contrast, bariatric surgery (BS) has clearly confirmed that it
contributes to improved beta cell function in patients with
BMI ›35 kg / m
2, as well as control of dyslipidemia and other
metabolic disorders.
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