2020, Number 4
Updating in the last scientific advances in dentistry
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 567-577
PDF size: 954.76 Kb.
Applying technological advantages includes a wide range of therapies, that is why it is very important to train professionals to be able to use advanced techniques and materials in the field of Odontology. The data base of MEDLINE, Scielo and Pubmed and descriptors such as digitalization, Biographt-G, nanotechnology and stem cells were consulted. With the objective of exposing the up to date methods, papers published in the last five years in English and Spanish were included and 47 publications were also consulted. The articles were about digitalization, nanotechnology, tissue regeneration, biomaterials and stem cells. It is concluded that the use of the new technologies and materials are a qualitative advantage concerning standard procedures and the working methods used, they improve the results in medical care and satisfaction of the patients and makes easier the performance of the professionals.REFERENCES
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