2020, Number 4
Antibiotic consumption in two hospital services
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 473-480
PDF size: 928.29 Kb.
Introduction: The excessive and inadequate use of antibiotics has contributed to the increasing of the antimicrobial resistance and the hospital costs, which affects the assistance quality.Objective: To determine the consumption, the global cost and the total of antibiotics in two hospital services.
Methods: An exploratory, observational, cross-sectional study was performed at ¨Aleida Fernández Chardiet¨ teaching Clinical Surgical hospital from Güines municipality, Mayabeque province, from January to April, 2019. The primary information was obtained from the report of antibiotics consumption and the research was based on the controlled universe of registered antibiotics that were prescribed in the Internal Medicine and Surgery Services The variables were expressed in absolute and relative frequencies. The results were shown in tables and graphs.
Results: The most used antibiotics were: in a 25.6 % Cefatoxime, 15.1 % Cefuroxime and in a 11.2 % la Ceftriaxone. The highest expense for consumed controlled antibiotics in those wards corresponded in a 28.21 % to March, followed by 27.57 % in January and a 24.41 % in February.
Conclusions: Cephalosporin constitute the most used pharmacological group, the global cost of consumed antibiotics in both services corresponded to the prescriptions of Ciprofloxacin and Ceftriaxone and the total cost of antibiotics prevails in January and March.
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