2018, Number 26
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Inv Ed Med 2018; 7 (26)
Ethics in research in medical education: Considerations and Current Challenges
Lara GYA, Pompa MM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 99-108
PDF size: 314.17 Kb.
Research is developed with the aim of uncovering new scientific information that helps
broaden knowledge that benefits society. Therefore the significant preoccupation respect
the ethical considerations in research. In this case we focus primarily in medical research
associated with educational processes. The discussion about ethics and research has its
origins in biomedical research after World War II as a response to a profound crisis of
legitimacy of the scientific work. There have been several studies that involved humans as
study subjects that had as a consequence the creation of international declarations and regulations
in some countries in order to protect the subjects that participate in such researches.
In this paper we address the ethical considerations that must be taken into account
when developing research that is linked with medical education, its background, and some
examples of studies that highlight some of the challenges that are faced today.
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