2018, Number 26
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Inv Ed Med 2018; 7 (26)
Use of information and communication technologies as teaching material in Human Medicine
Mendoza RHJ, Placencia MMD
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 54-62
PDF size: 314.22 Kb.
Introduction: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have now been integrated
into daily life in such a way that they have transformed it, and have allowed access to
knowledge, information, and learning.
Objective: To describe the current state of educational use of ICT as teaching material in
undergraduate courses of Human Medicine of the National Unviversity of San Marcos,
Lima, Peru.
Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was conducted with 81 teachers
selected using a non-probabilistic convenience sample of accidental type. Data were collected
using a mixed questionnaire. Tabulation and analysis of data was performed using
Microsoft Excel 2013. A descriptive analysis was performed using frequency measurements
and percentages.
Results: The majority (70.4%) of teachers use ICT in their classes.
It was done on their own initiative (56.8%) and self-taught (35.8%), and they used it as
an audio tool (44.4%), image tool (69.1%), and video tool (64.2%). PowerPoint was the
most widely used ICT teaching material (93.8%), as well as the use of the digital library
(35.8%), YouTube (39.5%), social networks (43.7%). Approximately half (49.4%) used
virtual classroom. Teachers (38.3%) report a lack of training in ICT, and 50.6% require
training in design of virtual classrooms.
Conclusions: Most teachers use ICT teaching materials in their classes, with most used being
PowerPoint, plus digital library, YouTube, and social networks.
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