2020, Number 06
Teaching, scientific and academic training of consultant professors from the Stomatology Faculty in Santiago de Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1157-1171
PDF size: 1112.13 Kb.
Introduction: The professor, teaching staff or teacher is the one professionally devoted to teaching and, also, to the transmission of behavior values, techniques and knowledge; that facilitates learning so that the student reaches it in the best possible way.Objective: To describe the fundamental characteristics of consultant professors functions and work.
Methods: A descriptive study was carried out in Mártires del Moncada Teaching Provincial Stomatologic Clinic in Santiago de Cuba, during December, 2018, which universe was formed by the 29 consultant professors, associated to the Stomatology Faculty until that year. The age, sex, specialty, teaching category and granting year were considered as variables of interest, as well as the academic and scientific degrees.
Results: The years with more assignment of associate or instructor professors were 1998 and 2009, respectively. In general, most of the teaching staff corresponded to the 65-70 age group and the female sex, as long as instructor professor category constituted the 82.8 % and associate professor 17.2 %. As for the academic degree, the highest number of associate and instructor professors was second degree specialists, very few of the associate professors had studied masters degrees and none of the instructor professors had applied for the doctorate.
Conclusions: The special condition of consultant professor represents and still is a recognition to the academic work showed in the consultancy of the teaching, assistance and investigative tasks during the professional life.
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