2020, Number 06
Economic evaluation of the therapeutic alternatives in patients with dentin hyperesthesia
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1077-1088
PDF size: 1102.60 Kb.
Introduction: Dentin hyperesthesia is a painful sensation of variable intensity that goes from light to moderate and, as dentin is exposed, it can become a constant discomfort.Objective: To determine the less expensive alternative in the treatment of patients with dentin hyperesthesia.
Method: A complete economic evaluation of the cost minimization type was carried out in Martires del Moncada Teaching Provincial Stomatological Clinic in Santiago de Cuba, from January to May, 2019. Forty medical records were reviewed, chosen of convenience, since they had the necessary data for the investigation. Two groups of studies were created whose members were treated with lacquer fluorine and laser, respectively. The age, sex, effectiveness of the treatments, direct and indirect cost and unitary cost variables were analyzed.
Results: In the series there was a prevalence of the 15-24 age group (30.0 %), followed by that of 25-34 (25.0 %), as well as the female sex (70.0 %). The unitary cost of the treatment with lacquer fluorine was of $7.77 and with laser of $5.74, for a difference of $2.03.
Conclusion: The less expensive alternative in the treatment of patients with dentin hyperesthesia was the laser application; while the economic evaluation carried out demonstrated to be appropriate as regards economic efficiency.
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