2020, Number 06
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MediSan 2020; 24 (06)
Clinical epidemiological characterization of Algerian children with infectious diseases
Mengana LE, Azahares AH, Pérez RE, Casanova DAL
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1049-1064
PDF size: 1336.38 Kb.
Children represent the future, so their healthy growth and development should be a priority for all societies, that is the reason why the Health World Organization creates strategies to minimize the causes that conspire against the health of children and adolescents.
A descriptive and longitudinal study of the 4 109 children over 28 days and under 14 years with infectious diseases was carried out, who were assisted in the Pediatrics Service of Mohamed Boudiaf Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital, in the Bayadh province, Popular and Democratic Republic of Algeria, during 2017-2018.
To characterize Algerian children with 28 days and under 14 years with infectious diseases from the clinical epidemiological point of view.
It was obtained that 88.4 % of the members in the study suffered from infectious diseases and 11.6 % suffered from non infectious diseases; equally, those under one year and from the male sex were the ones that mostly get ill (58.0 %), as long as, acute diarrheic diseases and breathing infections were the most frequent (48.0 and 32.0 %, respectively). Of the total of patients, 3 607 had a favorable clinical course (99.8 %).
Infectious diseases constitute a health problem in Algeria that continues contributing to increase sick and dead children due to this cause; also, acute diarrheic diseases and acute breathing infections are the main causes of hospital assistance in Bayadh province, caused due to the early weaning and malnutrition, factors that contribute to the high incidence of morbidity and low mortality, reason why patients under 5 years should receive a special care, mainly those under one year who get sick with more frequency.
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