2021, Number 2
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Salud Mental 2021; 44 (2)
Prevalence of burnout syndrome in university students: A systematic review
Rosales-Ricardo Y, Rizzo-Chunga F, Mocha-Bonilla J, Ferreira JP
Language: English
References: 54
Page: 91-102
PDF size: 217.90 Kb.
Background. Burnout syndrome is a social and health problem in college students.
Objective. To synthesize
evidence from previous studies on the prevalence of burnout syndrome in university students in their three-dimensional
Method. The search strategies followed the PRISMA guidelines and were based on
the following descriptive terms: “burnout,” “studies,” “prevalence,” “students.” Pubmed, Web of Science Core
Collection, PsicINFO, and Scielo were consulted. An evaluation of the quality of the information was carried
out applying the STROBE positioning guidelines.
Results. We found 1,406 studies that were reduced to 46
studies for final analysis using the STROBE statement, eventually leaving 20 studies. One study (5%) was
conducted in North America, five (25%) in Asia, nine (45%) in Latin America, and five (25%) in Europe. Of
the 20 studies evaluated in the systematic review, those that had the best overall evaluation in the STROBE
analysis were selected for discussion, corresponding to 10 (out of 75% of STROBE). Overall prevalence of
each dimension of the syndrome was estimated at 55.4% for emotional exhaustion, 31.6% for cynicism, and
30.9% for academic efficacy.
Discussion and conclusion. Moderate levels of burnout syndrome prevail in
the different populations of university students of different careers worldwide. In only a few studies is the prevalence
low and this could be due to multiple evaluative variables.
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