2021, Number 05
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2021; 89 (05)
Laryngeal papillomatosis as a cause of maternal death
Jiménez-Herrera R, Fernández-Vázquez MU, Quiterio-Montiel EC, Hernández y Ballinas A, Palmer-Márquez ML
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 424-429
PDF size: 246.29 Kb.
Background: The WHO reports that the main complications that cause 75%
of maternal deaths are: severe hemorrhage, infections, gestational hypertension,
complications in childbirth and others. Most of these complications can be prevented
and treated. Laryngeal papillomatosis is a heterogeneous, rare and chronic
disease. In rare cases it can have an aggressive course, with damage to the fetus
and respiratory tract.
Clinical case: A 34-year-old patient, 32 weeks pregnant, died at home due to
asphyxia after receiving first aid. The medico-legal autopsy reported the existence
of an endolaryngeal tumor, with a forensic histopathological diagnosis of laryngeal
papillomatosis. Real-time PCR for HPV detection and genotyping was performed
on a kerosene block, which reported co-infection by two different virus genotypes:
18 and 6.
Conclusions: Laryngeal papillomatosis is a rare disease. Pregnancy is a factor that
favors the appearance of papillomatous lesions due to decreased immune response.
Ignorance of the disease does not exempt the responsibility of a maternal death that
could have been avoided with an adequate diagnosis and treatment.
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