2020, Number 05
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MediSan 2020; 24 (05)
Distance learning in third year stomatology students during the Covid-19
Corona CMH, Duharte EAB, La O SNO, Díaz ML
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1014-1024
PDF size: 1300.28 Kb.
In the presence of COVID-19 in the country, the Higher Education Ministry and the Public Health Ministry emitted precise orientations to fulfill in an immediate way, for example distance learning for all the educational levels. Specifically in the universities of medical sciences urgent measures were taken both in the pregrade and postgraduate teaching. To such effects, in the present work is exposed how this study modality worked, from March to July, 2020, in the subject of Rehabilitation for the third year students of Stomatology in Santiago de Cuba. All the actions carried out allowed to fulfill the unfinished activities and to carry out the evaluations with satisfactory results.
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