2020, Number 05
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MediSan 2020; 24 (05)
Effectiveness of ozonepuncture in patients with cervical osteoarthritis
Solano PM, Maldonado CM, Benítez RG, Vistel MD, González ME
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 760-777
PDF size: 1090.05 Kb.
The vertebral osteoarthritis is frequent. The pathophysiological causes and processes that contribute to its advance are varied. It is said that the 80 % of people over 55 years present cervical spine disorders.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the ozonepuncture for the relief of symptoms and signs in patients with cervical osteoarthritis.
A study of therapeutic intervention in 80 patients with cervical osteoarthritis was carried out, they were assisted in the Orthopedics Service and referred to the Traditional and Natural Medicine Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from May, 2017 to March, 2019. They were divided at random in 2 groups: study and control groups, with 40 members each one.
The disease prevailed in the 50-59 age group, in both groups (35.0 and 30.0 %, respectively) and in the female sex (85.0 % in the first one and 82.5 % in the second). The clinical course was good and excellent in almost all the members of the study group.
The ozonepuncture was effective in the patients with cervical osteoarthritis and adverse reactions related to its application were not presented. The clinical course was satisfactory and a higher response was observed in the disappearance of the symptoms and clinical signs with the acupuntural therapeutic than with the conventional one.
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