2020, Number 3
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Cuba y Salud 2020; 15 (3)
Results obtained by two community projects that are committed to well-being and health
Díaz SMT, Hernández RL, Licea SME, Calderín MJM
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 7-11
PDF size: 583.50 Kb.
Objectives: demonstrate the results obtained by the community
project: Health and quality of life, of the Institute of Pharmacy
and Food of the University of Havana and the community project: Styles of life and health, of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the Technological University from Havana.
Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out taking
into account the participants in each project. It consisted of a
sample of 194 university students, the activities developed, the
presentation of work at events and the awards for each project in
the period from December 2014 to December 2018, to show the
results obtained from both projects.
Results: there was an increase in the number of participants in
each project during the time analyzed and the high scope of the
activities carried out, aspects that can be verified in the increasing
number and level of events, both national and international in
which they have been presented the work done and the awards
Conclusions: the results obtained by these community projects
show the important repercussion that they have in the university
context and fundamentally in the communities in which they have
been developed.
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