2021, Number 38
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Inv Ed Med 2021; 10 (38)
Self-regulated learning in undergraduate medicals in the time of COVID-19
García-Montalvo IA
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 16-22
PDF size: 428.98 Kb.
Introduction: Self-regulated learning is identified as an
active, independent, autonomous, critical, adaptive, reflective
and strategic process, to achieve comprehensive
training, continuous improvement, self-determination, autonomy
and permanent updating.
Objective: The objective of this work was to analyze the
strategies of undergraduate students during the COVID-19
pandemic assigned to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
of the Southeast Regional University for the 2020-A
academic year.
Method: This is a descriptive-cross-sectional study, the
sample was obtained through a simple random sampling
among students from first to fifth year, with substitution of
exclusion elements, the instrument used was the adapted
Torre questionnaire (2007) and validated for this study.
Results: The study subjects demonstrated adequate
awareness, control and metacognitive verification, in addition
to having active processing during virtual classes,
however, they present little effort in carrying out the tasks,
which leads us to establish recommendations for educational
practice that especially reinforce the teaching of
health sciences at the university level.
Conclusions: 70% of undergraduate students from the
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Southeast Regional
University consider themselves self-regulating in
their learning process during this confinement derived
from the pandemic.
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