2021, Number 38
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Inv Ed Med 2021; 10 (38)
Identity construction as a medical teacher and early teaching training
Vives VT, Albarrán PD, Hamui SL, Fortoul GT
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 7-15
PDF size: 434.27 Kb.
Introduction: The construction of a solid and appreciated
identity as a professional teacher (IPT) allows teachers to
carry out their work in a satisfactory way and committed
to the well-being of the students.
Objective: To explore how the early training as an assistant
professor affects the IPT in medical teachers.
Method: A qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews
was used to obtain information; data analysis was
structured in agreement with the applied methodology.
Results: Four components were identified as constituents
of teacher's professional histories: 1) an early start
to teaching supported by a course that professionalized
teacher’s assistant skills, 2) introductory teaching courses
that gave them the opportunity to establish communication
with prestigious teachers, 3) positive assessments
from peers about their role as a bridge between students’
needs and the requirements of regular teachers, and 4)
the accompaniment of an expert teacher (full-time professor
or a coordinator of the course of instructors) who was
a relevant figure in the process of consolidating teaching
Conclusions: Early training, supported with a professionalizing
course and the support from an experimented
teacher were positive elements in the construction of representation
of the professional role in teaching and learning,
as well as the feelings derived from being a teacher.
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