2020, Number 6
Evaluation of transcervical lymphadenectomy in the diagnostic system of lung cancer
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 828-840
PDF size: 862.57 Kb.
Background: the lymph node study of the mediastinum in patients with lung cancer is of vital importance, as it allows the therapeutic strategy to be outlined.Objective: to evaluate the transcervical lymphadenectomy technique as part of the diagnostic system in lung cancer.
Methods: a prospective longitudinal analytical investigation was carried out in patients in whom transcervical lymphadenectomy was used as part of the diagnostic system for lung cancer at the Hospital Universitario Manuel Ascunce Domenech, in the province of Camagüey. The universe was made up of 346 patients and the sample, of a simple random probability type, consisted of 65 patients.
Results: male patients over 60 years prevailed. The most frequent histological type was adenocarcinoma and the upper lobes were the most affected. A total of 205 nodes were removed and the majority were positive, negativity, in histology, predominated in nodes less than 1 cm diagnosed in the tomographic study. There was migration of stages in the clinical pathological correlation, as well as the sensitivity and specificity were 100% in the studied sample. Complications were rare.
Conclusions: transcervical lymphadenectomy constitutes a diagnostic tool in patients with lung cancer and mediastinal lymph node involvement.
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