2020, Number 6
Prognostic factors of mortality in seriously ill patients with acute non-traumatic neurological diseases
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 814-827
PDF size: 699.17 Kb.
Background: neurological diseases are one of the main causes of death and disability worldwide.Objective: to identify prognostic factors related to mortality from acute non-traumatic neurological diseases in seriously ill patients.
Methods: a retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out from January 1st to December 31st, 2019. Universe was constituted of 130 patients and the sample was 114. Percentage, sum, chi-square and Odd Radio were used to identify risk factors, with an IC of 95 %.
Results: the age group of 50-59 years prevailed, male with ischemic cerebrovascular disease, although the highest percentage of deaths was due to hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease. Patients with surgical treatment were related to mortality, with a slight predominance of urgent surgery. About half of the patients required mechanical ventilation and it was a prognostic factor for mortality. Malnutrition and obesity predominated. Cardiac arrhythmias, need for vasoactive amine support, average length of stay greater than 14 days and complications were prognostic factors for mortality. Likewise, the leukoglycemic index greater than 0.75 and the initial APACHE II was greater than 15 points. The Glasgow score was above 8 points.
Conclusions: the prognostic factors related to mortality from acute non-traumatic neurological diseases in severe patients were the presence of cardiac arrhythmias, need for mechanical ventilation and support for vasoactive amines, surgical treatment, leukoglycemic index greater than 0.75 points, initial APACHE II score greater than 15 points and the presence of complications.
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