2020, Number 5
Use of Yoga in the treatment of stress in patients with excessive nutritional disorders
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 640-652
PDF size: 575.64 Kb.
Background: the treatment of excess nutritional disorders generates different levels of stress that often are responsible for abandoning the diet or for the non-therapeutic adherence.Objective: to implement Yoga exercise routine as an alternative therapy for stress management.
Methods: it was carried out an applied, quasi-experimental research, consisting of the implementation of a yoga program in patients with overweight and obesity undergoing treatment. The universe was constituted of 78 patients, and 69 were part of the sample. A stress questionnaire was applied at the beginning and the end of the application to the exercise program. McNemar's non-parametric test was used to identify significance of changes in the stress level of the investigated patients.
Results: With a predominance of female patients over 46.28 years on average, with the presence of overweight and the associated comorbidities, where arterial hypertension was the most frequent. High stress levels predominated at the beginning of the study and low levels at the end of the intervention.
Conclusions: the implementation of the Yoga exercise program provided statistically significant changes in the decrease of stress levels in overweight and obese patients.
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