2021, Number 3
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Rev Mex Anest 2021; 44 (3)
Dronabinol in appetite management and weight loss in patients with terminal cancer, HIV, palliative care and old age. Literature review
Vilchis-Valentín D, Morales-Rabanales AM, Molina-Romero MA, Medina-Castro JM, Cuellar-Garduño N, Camacho-Ramos CE
Language: Spanish
References: 51
Page: 207-214
PDF size: 265.11 Kb.
Introduction: Cachexia is a syndrome associated with advanced cancer, HIV, patients on chemotherapy and those who are followed in palliative care. The prevalence is 25% of patients diagnosed with cancer, 26% in those receiving chemotherapy and 14 to 38% of patients with HIV. A mainstay for management is cannabis, due to the effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) from which dronabinol, a drug developed to stimulate appetite and weight gain, was derived. The aim of this literature review is to obtain information on cannabinoids and the strongest existing evidence regarding the use of dronabinol in patients who have presented weight and appetite loss.
Material and methods: Literature review with PubMed search engine with the keywords Palliative care, Cannabinoids, cachexia, Dronabinol, Appetite, from 1990 to 2018, limited to humans, obtaining 259 articles, eliminating 222 for repetition or low relevance, leaving 37 articles for analysis.
Results: out of 37 articles reviewed 9 were experimental studies, 10 systematized reviews, 1 meta-analysis and 16 articles of recommendations and management suggestions.
Conclusion: The management of appetite and weight loss in palliative care, HIV, elderly or chemotherapy patients should be multidisciplinary, involving nutritionists, psychologists and physicians, adjusting the management to the individual characteristics manifested. Dronabinol is a drug of first choice for the management of these symptoms when the natural history of the disease is accompanied by nausea, vomiting or pain.
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