2020, Number 2
IQ in schoolchildren with a history of medro failure during lactation
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 19-25
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Objective: the failure to thrive during nursing could be bind the intelligence quotient in school’s children.Objective: tell the effects about intelligence quotient in school’s children with failure to thrive during nursing.
Methods: an observational, explicative, cases and control study was conducted in “Pablo de la Torriente Brau” Polyclinics in Bahia Honda, Artemisa. The universe was conformed for 169 children born between January 2009 to May 2010, with ages between six and seven years old. An intentional sampling was utilized to choose 19 children with failure to thrive antecedents during nursing (cases). The control group of 37 children without this condition, selected via simple random sampling, from the others 150 school’s children. The first phase characterized the research population. The second one, the diagnosis of intelligence quotient in both groups. For statistical processing was contrasting the half of intelligences quotients in both groups through the Student t.
Results: the 11,2 % school’s children had antecedent of failure to thrive during nursing, predominating organic cause (47,4 %). The half’s different of the intelligences quotients were 6,190 points between both groups with significant different (p=0,0467).
Conclusions: the half of intelligence quotient in school’s children with failure to thrive during nursing are significantly low in comparison with schools children without this condition.
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