2020, Number 6
Venezuela Health Sciences University contributions to Medical Education
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 1246-1249
PDF size: 92.00 Kb.
The University of Health Sciences of Venezuela is legally established, as a training center, years after the management of the National Training Program in Integral Community Medicine and the National Advanced Training Program in Integral General Medicine. Its legal, theoretical and methodological bases are based on the conceptions of the Alma Mater project and, in particular, on the normative, methodological, didactic and instrumental experiences of these programs. As a medical university, immersed in the generation of training models that guarantee transformative graduates of social problems, it has contributed - to the authors of this article - with the Medical Education in the following contributions: education of students in and by the work team, teaching of the profession from the assistance service, development of new forms of organization of teaching, methodological work from an integrative vision of the organizational levels of the educational teaching process and the conception of the Student Community Service as a research activity, integration of knowledge and permanent community transformation. This University has enriched the training conceptions that regulate the teaching learning process in the university that train professionals for Public Health Systems.REFERENCES
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