2020, Number 5
Role of the medical library in the Educational Teaching Process during the COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 6
Page: 933-936
PDF size: 86.08 Kb.
The Medical Library of the Academic Polyclinic Dr "Ramón Claudio Delgado Amestoy" Area VI,is a center that provides information to internal and external users of the Castillo- Cen Distrct .It is an institution that provides different services as a specialized center of biomedical sciences, giving a response in addition to the training and information needs from the different health problems that occur in the community. This research identifies the actions carried out by the staff of the Medical Library for the reorganization of the educational teaching process in COVID-19 times.REFERENCES
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González Ramos MR, Dulzaides Iglesias ME, Pérez Valladares D, Vázquez Villavicencio M. Frecuencia de utilización de los servicios digitalizados de la biblioteca del policlínico universitario. Central Electronuclear. Medisur [revista en Internet]. 2010 [citado 10/02/2012];8(4):[aprox. 5p]. Disponible en: Disponible en: http://medisur.sld.cu/index.php/medisur/article/view/1083/165.