2020, Number 5
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Medisur 2020; 18 (5)
Characterization of deceased elderly in the General Surgery Service. Cienfuegos, 2016-2018
Acea PY, Santana PT, Estepa PJL, Estepa RJL
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 846-857
PDF size: 517.64 Kb.
aging is a biological process that leads to the limitation of the adaptive capacity of the individual and a greater probability of death.
characterize elderly deceased in the General Surgery Service of the Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima Hospital, in Cienfuegos, from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018.
case series study of elderly patients who died during the period analyzed. The data was obtained from the medical records, operative reports and minutes of the committee of the deceased. Variables were analyzed: age, sex, associated diseases, surgical risk (American Anesthesia Association classification), diagnostic impression upon admission, operative diagnosis, operation performed, complications, clinical and pathological diagnosis of death.
there was a predominance of the female sex, of the age group from 71 to 80 years old, and a personal history of high blood pressure. Grade III of the surgical risk classification prevailed. Intestinal perforation motivated the majority of admissions, followed by mesenteric thrombosis; generalized peritonitis was the main complication. Most of the patients required surgical intervention for their definitive treatment; the state of septic shock was the main direct cause of death (also the main pathological diagnosis) followed by the state of hypovolemic shock due to upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Respiratory complications were the most representative.
la edad avanzada, las enfermedades asociadas y el alto riesgo quirúrgico, aumentan la mortalidad por cirugía.
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