2020, Number 4
Advisor's work in training investigative skills in health technology students
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 740-745
PDF size: 104.21 Kb.
Higher medical education in Cuba is in charge of training high-level specialists with a solid scientific background. This process is increasingly based on the teaching-research activity of students and scientific creation is promoted to acquire habits in research and experimentation. There is no true higher education without explicit and implicit research activity, it is part of the teaching-learning process and has great value in professional training. This work aims at reflecting the fulfillment of the investigative function of tutors in undergraduate teaching in Health Technology programs. The role of the tutor is analyzed. There is a need to intensify their function in a way that it contributes to raising students´ motivation and participation in the scientific activity, taking advantage of the possibilities both in the curricular and extracurricular tasks, which would develop better investigative skills. It is concluded that tutorials in student research allows integrating it to healthcare and teaching components. There are deficiencies in the tutors’ way of acting for scientific research in the training programs of health technologies.REFERENCES
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