2021, Number 1
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2021; 66 (1)
Epidemiological analysis of cases of meningeal tuberculosis in ''Hospital Para el Niño Poblano'' over a period of 13 years
Moguel HA, Gutiérrez CZ, Pérez RML, Zarco GAP, Blancas OMH, Duck HE
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 19-24
PDF size: 227.91 Kb.
Introduction: Tuberculosis in children represents 5 to 30% of cases. Meningeal tuberculosis represents a serious form of tuberculosis in pediatric patients due to its high mortality and neurological sequelae.
Objective: Know epidemiology, clinical signs and evolution of meningeal tuberculosis to facilitate diagnosis and treatment in pediatric patients.
Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective review of electronic clinical records of 15 children with meningeal tuberculosis, admitted to Hospital del Niño Poblano in 13.5 years. The diagnosis was based mainly on clinical symptoms, cerebrospinal fluid analysis and computed tomography of the skull. The variables were analyzed: age, sex, signs, symptoms, previous pathology, diagnostic methods and mortality.
Results: Total of 12 patients. Average age 9.5 years, 41.5% older than 10 years, 100% male. Fever was the most frequent symptom, followed by headache. Most previously healthy patients, two patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia. Hydrocephalus was the main tomographic finding. Positive culture for mycobacteria in cerebrospinal fluid: 49.8%. The mortality was 33.2%.
Conclusion: The meningeal tuberculosis is an infrequent entity, difficult to diagnose. Febrile processes accompanied by nonspecific neurological symptoms should alert to interrogate epidemiological data, perform specific diagnostic tests to rule out meningeal tuberculosis, as early diagnosis and treatment reduce mortality and neurological sequelae.
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