2021, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (1)
Intervention in skills to use condom in private women of freedom: a pilot study
Sánchez MR, de la Rosa GA, Rosales PCR, Velasco HDM, Enríquez NDJ
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 418-441
PDF size: 737.29 Kb.
Having sex without a condom continues to be the main cause of
HIV infection. In the particular case of women, social and
economic inequalities are observed that make them
susceptible, with the couple deciding how to carry out sexual
health care; and in prison settings the vulnerability is greater.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate an intervention to
develop skills to use condoms in sexual relations in women
deprived of liberty; she worked with 30 women from a Social
Reintegration Center in Mexico City. The intervention consists
of three sessions to promote negotiation skills in the use of a
condom and to use it correctly on a teaching penis. Changes
were found in women's abilities to negotiate condom use and to
place it on a teaching penis, there were differences in the
evaluation that was done before and after the intervention, as
well as a large effect size. The results found are discussed and
it is proposed to implement programs focused on the sexual
health care of women deprived of liberty and to decrease new
HIV infections.
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