2021, Number 1
Sociodemographic characteristics of the children treated at CRIT Hidalgo who have participated in Club Amigos Teleton
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 395-417
PDF size: 331.62 Kb.
One of the objectives of the Club Amigos Teletón program is to contribute to the development of social skills of children and adolescents served. In this study, the sociodemographic characteristics of the children who have participated in this program are described, in the period from 2009 to 2019, at the Teletón Children's Rehabilitation and Inclusion Center (CRIT), Hidalgo. In this period, 33 programs were carried out, 3 per year. 567 children (339 boys and 229 girls) from Mexico City, State of Mexico, Puebla, Querétaro, Tlaxcala, Veracruz and Hidalgo were enrolled. Of the 8 Levels of Payment for Services established in the CRIT, most of the children's families were in levels 2, 1 and 3. Children whose disability was related to a mild to moderate brain injury predominated. Of the 567 children, 549 completed their participation in one or more of the programs to which they enrolled. 18 unsubscribed from their first (and only) participation. Of the children who completed, 219 participated in only one program. The rest participated on more than one occasion. Children repeated 2 programs predominated. The highest number of repeated programs was 21, for only one child.REFERENCES
Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (2002). Manual para la integración de personas con discapacidad en las instituciones de educación superior. México: ANUIES. Recuperado de: http://www.conapred.org.mx/documentos_cedoc/Manual_integracion_educacion_superior_UNUIES.pdf
Manual para la inclusión de niños y niñas con discapacidad y sus familias en Centros Comunitarias de Desarrollo Infantil Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú. Contenido y supervisión de Save the Children. María Josefina Menéndez Carbajal CEO México. Recuperado de: https://www.savethechildren.mx/sci-mx/files/a0/a01b88e1-6fa3-482a-9a0e-f744676c0ed1.pdf
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