2021, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (1)
Psychometric properties of an instrument to measure behavioral styles in ecuadorian population
Ortiz FGJ, Rivera PCM, Recalde RJ, López GVM
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 164-181
PDF size: 198.45 Kb.
This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the
Kudert test, developed to measure DISC behavioral styles in the
work context. The sample consisted of 3371 Ecuadorian
participants (1541 men and 1830 women), who took the test
through an online platform. Given the dichotomous nature of the
data, a robust diagonally least squares estimation method was
used, with Promin rotation, based on a tetrachoric correlation
matrix. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis was carried out with the
AMOS statistical software and an Exploratory Analysis of Structural
Equations with using FACTO. The goodness of fit of these models
was evaluated using the comparative adjustment index, Tucker-
Lewis index, mean square error of aproximation and weighted root
mean square error, showing good fit in all the indicators of the
Exploratory Structural Equation Model. The evidence of internal
consistency using the ordinal alpha coefficient was greater than
0.75 in the four dimensions. Results suggest that a 41-item version
provides sufficient information to measure DISC behavioral styles
in Ecuadorian population. These findings constitute an important
contribution that can serve as a basis for the development of a
reduced inventory, based on the integration of new findings on the
factor structure of the instrument in other populations.
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