2020, Number 1
Primary spheno-temporal intra-osseous meningioma: a case report
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 111-117
PDF size: 621.44 Kb.
Background: ectopic meningioma, defined as those that have no connection with the dura mater, are rare. They are a rare variant and represent approximately 1 % of all intracranial meningioma.Objective: to present a rare variant of an ectopic meningioma as a cause of proptosis and ophthalmoparesis found in a young patient.
Case report: patient of 40 years of age, who 6 months ago began with pain in the right eye of moderate intensity, increased volume of the front-orbital region, decreased visual acuity and double vision. Computed tomography and MRI of the skull and orbit showed extra-axial lesion at the level of the lateral wall of the orbit with extra and intra-orbital extension with compression of adjacent structures that caused anterior displacement of the eyeball. Surgical treatment was performed with resection and the histological study concluded an ectopic meningotial meningioma of bone grade I.
Conclusions: ectopic meningioma are infrequent, surgical treatment with total resection of the lesion is the choice to avoid recurrences and may have an indication of complementary oncologi-cal treatment.
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