2021, Number 2
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Med Int Mex 2021; 37 (2)
Patient with fire burns who develops COVID-19 after prolonged hospital stay
Carrillo-Esper R
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 300-305
PDF size: 481.71 Kb.
Background: According to World Health Organization, lesions due to burns cause
180,000 each year all over the world, most of them are originated in the domestic and
work environment.
Clinical case: A 25-year-old male, who was admitted in April 2020 due to fire
burns of 55% of his body surface, who developed SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia during
his hospital stay. Institutional protocols were followed, obtaining good results and a
favorable evolution.
Conclusions: The SARS-CoV-2 infection in this patient occurred in May, considered
by the Secretariat of Prevention and Health Promotion the month with the highest
number of infections in Mexico up to that date. Institutions must guarantee burn patient
care in the current setting.
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