2020, Number 4
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Mul Med 2020; 24 (4)
Vaginal evisceration after abdominal hysterectomy. Filing a case
Malcolm SAL
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 941-948
PDF size: 328.79 Kb.
Introduction: vaginal evisceration after pelvic surgery is an extremely rare surgical emergency. Laparotomic dehiscence consists of disunity and early separation of the edges of a sutured surgical wound, with or without externalization of the contents of the abdominal cavity.
Case presentation: the case reported here is that of a 36-year-old woman with a history of high blood pressure. She underwent 3 months of abdominal hysterectomy for fibromyomas, without uterine prolapse. She comes to the hospital guard corps for abdominal pain, a feeling of vaginal occupation and constipation. He denies abdominal bloating and respiratory symptoms. Already in the body of guard it refers desires to defecate and when pushing a protrusion of small intestine of more or less 3 cm occurs, irreducible through the vaginal opening. Laparatomy, vaginal revision, reduction of the small intestine loops and enlargement of the hole through which evisceration occurred were performed.
Discussion: the edges of the parietal peritoneum were located, the vaginal dome was sutured with continuous stitches, and a mesh was placed at the bottom of the pelvis covered by peritoneum. The data from the hospital medical history were used. Complementary examinations, the interview and the physical examination of the patient, despite the probable complications, there was no loss of time and the operation was successful.
Conclusions: the evolution was satisfactory, thanks to the work of the medical personnel who were in charge of the case.
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