2020, Number 4
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Mul Med 2020; 24 (4)
Primary cecum non-hodgkin lymphoma. Presentation of a case
Milanés SJL, Cabrera BM, Aguilar MEM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 919-931
PDF size: 664.83 Kb.
Introduction: primary colon lymphomas (LPC) are rare neoplasms. They are usually non-Hodgkin lymphomas and it must be ruled out that their origin is lymph node. The most frequent place of presentation in the digestive tract is the stomach, followed by the small intestine, and thirdly, the colon. The most frequent sites presented in the colon are the cecum and rectum.
Case presentation: 73-year-old male patient with a history of severe abdominal pain in the lower abdomen, occasional diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight. After performing clinical and imaging laboratory studies, the patient begins to be managed with the presumptive diagnosis of a tumor of the right colon. In the surgical act, the presence of a perforated cecum tumor is noted. Right hemicolectomy is performed with closure of the distal line, ileostomy and lavage of the cavity. The pathology study reported anaplastic large cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the cecum. The postoperative evolution was torpid and he died in septic shock and multiple organ failure.
Discussion: primary lymphoma of the colon is a rare entity where for its diagnosis it is essential to distinguish it from colonic involvement by a systemic lymphoma since the prognosis and treatment are very different. The most common histologic type is diffuse large B-cell.
Conclusions: a case of primary cecum non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosed in the pathological anatomy service of the "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" hospital in Bayamo, Granma, Cuba is reported, emphasizing the importance of pathological diagnosis to rule out colonic involvement by systemic lymphoma.
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