2020, Number 4
Violent death in the Manzanillo region. 2017 - 2019
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 903-918
PDF size: 484.91 Kb.
Introduction: violent deaths represent an open chapter to study from all professional angles. In its genesis, production and consequences involved social, economic, cultural, emotional, medical and other causes that, together, draw a very complex picture.Objective: to characterize the violent death in the Manzanillo region.
Method: a retrospective descriptive study of 443 cases of violent deaths was registered, registered in the Legal Medicine service of the Celia Sánchez Manduley Hospital, in the period from January 2017 to December 2019. Variables such as: medical etiology were measured - legal, age, sex, occupation, municipality, quarter of the year, day of the week, basic cause of death and affected systems or devices.
Results: accidents predominated as an etiological cause, suicides and homicides were the ones that contributed most to this problem; the male sex prevailed in each of the etiologies, while the retirees reached a higher frequency for accidents as well as for suicides and unskilled and unemployed workers for homicides.
Conclusions: the Manzanillo municipality showed a greater number of cases, as well as the third quarter of the year and the days of the weekend. The hanging was the basic cause of fundamental death and the respiratory system the most affected.
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