2020, Number 4
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Mul Med 2020; 24 (4)
Clinical, biochemical and metabolic parameters predictive of micro and macrovascular complications in type 2 diabetics
Sarduy RA, Cruz ME, Milanés OMR, Mompié GGR
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 836-852
PDF size: 402.26 Kb.
Introduction: diabetes mellitus (DM) is an endocrine-metabolic, vascular, chronic disease, produced by a variable interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Currently DM2 is considered by some authors as pandemic, without the existence of signs of reduction of incidence rates.
Objective: to identify clinical, biochemical and metabolic parameters predictors of micro and macrovascular complications in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Method: an analytical case and control study was conducted with patients admitted to the Bayamo Diabetic Care Center (CAD), Granma, from 2010 to 2017, 81 with some microvascular complications, 40 with some macrovascular complications and 162 without any complications.
Results: the univariate analysis found that disease progression time and uncontrolled HTA were the risk factors for the development of a microvascular complication, while these were joined by smoking and hypercholesterolemia as risk factors for the development of macrovascular complications. The variables that showed an independent relationship with the risk of developing some microvascular complications were the time of disease evolution and uncontrolled HTA, while for the development of macrovascular complications were the time of disease evolution and smoking.
Conclusions: the time of evolution of diabetes and uncontrolled HTA and the time of disease and smoking evolution are independently associated with the emergence of microvascular and macrovasculate complications respectively.
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