2020, Number 2
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Mul Med 2020; 24 (2)
Characteristics of patients with cerebrovascular disease. Medical Offices 9, 10, 11. Polyclinic March 13. Bayamo. January-July 2019
Cabrera RE, Santamarina FA, González GA, Garcés CM, Fonseca VY
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 352-369
PDF size: 417.68 Kb.
The brain is the most sensitive organ in the body. Distinction that requires for its operation the constant supply of oxygen and nutrients, because they are elements that keep it alive and active. With the aim of characterizing patients with cerebrovascular disease in the medical offices of the family 9, 10 and 11 of Polyclinic 13 March in Bayamo, from January to July 2019, a descriptive and retrospective study was conducted, of cross-sectional of 17 patients with cerebrovascular disease. The primary data were extracted from the medical records and records of the practices and embossed in a form prepared for purpose and a database is made in Excel Microsoft 2010. Among the variables of interest were age, sex, personal history, classification, health area and sequel. In relation, depending on the sex of patients with cerebrovascular disease, a predominance in the female sex was appreciated 9 (52.94%) and the most affected age group was 78-92(41.18%), among the associated personal history, 94.11% of patients had hypertension, 76.47% had the ischemic type. 41.18% of patients with cerebrovascular disease belong to the health area of CMF 9. 41.18% of patients had right hemiplegia as a sequel, either alone or with another involvement. The main characteristics of CVD patients were mostly females over 70 years of age, hypertensive, suffered the type of ischemic accidents and have as right hemiplegia sequelae.
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