2021, Number 1
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2021; 19 (1)
Dermatology, Genetics, and Fictional Characters: Inspiring “Abnormality”
Trejo-Acuña JR, García-Alonso MJ, Torres-Victoria TR
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 92-97
PDF size: 427.79 Kb.
Storytelling has had a great impact for generations in all age
groups. The representation of fictional characters are used with
the aim of awakening various emotions such as fear, courage, or
strength. Through the eyes of a dermatologist, these characterizations
can open up a wide range of diagnostic possibilities, but
when viewed through the eyes of the non-medical personnel,
they can have a significant negative impact on self-esteem and
emotional health of those suffering from diseases that are considered
as “rare” by society, and portrayed for entertainment or
mockery purposes; all of this as a consequence of mythification
and ignorance.
Thus, we briefly try to describe the most relevant phenotypic
traits of three classic fictional characters that have inspired
countless stories: the vampire, the werewolf and the elephant
man. Characters that were not really created, but are a modified
portrait of real people with stigmatizing and unusual conditions.
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