2020, Number 3
Continuous formation, ageing and sustainable development
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 326-338
PDF size: 1060.77 Kb.
Introduction: The use of impact indicators contributes to the validation of potentials with positive or negative effects en in a scientific research. The current demographic phenomenon of ageing and its repercussions, all over the world and in this country, constitute a prioritized topic axis of the University Society assignment.Objective: To determine the impact valuation indicators of the continuous formation in gerontologic and gerontagogic elements for the sustainable development.
Methods: A bimodal approach study was performed. The method of document analysis and triangulation of information technique were used. Gerontologic and gerontagogic fundaments, national and international demographic behavior were studied, legal documents and Cuban public politics were systematized. Criteria of 15 experts from a selection of 20 candidates were taken. Delphi Method carried actions in three rounds, between January and March, 2020, Mayabeque.
Results: The 15 experts with high competitive coefficient agreed with 20 scientific, 20 social y 20 economic-politic-environmental indicators. The percentage that should reach the indicators was established to evaluate the impact as positive.
Conclusions: The established indicators contribute to the development of instruments for the impact evaluation in the Continuous Formation, assuring methodological solidity and quality of the results in this kind of gerontologic and gerontagogic researches.
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