2020, Number 3
Proposal of a predictive death scale in Mayabeque for acute brain infarct in hospitalized patients
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 312-325
PDF size: 1125.42 Kb.
Introduction: Death because of acute cerebrovascular diseases are frequent in the third age patients. There are predictive scales that are based on the evaluation neurologic sphere, and predict the rehabilitator and life prognosis but they do not evaluate completely the patient.Objective: To elaborate proposal of a predictive death scale to estimate the risk of death of patients with acute ischemic brain infarct admitted patients in hospitals from Mayabeque.
Methods: An exploratory, cross sectional, explicative, and multicentric study was carried out in admitted patients of the hospital area. The universe was formed by patients with acute ischemic brain infarct and the sample was constituted by 300 patients who suffered from the disease. A multivariate analysis of Categorical Main Components was applied, it allowed the selection of the variables to study. The application of the optimal stepping through the dendogram favored la creation of the risk groups.
Results: The analysis of the impact of the variables showed the mean in 0 and the standard deviation in 1. The Alfa de Cronbach index was of 0.9. Groups of high and low risk of death were created. The presence of stupor or coma, pneumonias, cardiac failure, pulmonary thromboembolism, hydro electrolytic unbalance, headache, malignant hypertension, focal neurological deficits, age older than 65 years old, previous brain infarcts, high glycemia, personal history of hypertension, transitory ischemic attack, diabetes mellitus, constituted the scale.
Conclusions: The proposed scale of mortality risk from Mayabeque for the acute brain infarct allows to estimate the risk of mortality with accuracy in patients with acute ischemic cerebral infarct.
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