2020, Number 2
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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana 2020; 27 (2)
Psychological and social repercussion of COVID-19 pandemic
Pérez VMA, Álvarez MNE, Rodríguez CAE
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 252-261
PDF size: 872.03 Kb.
At this moment, COVID-19, a new pandemic, affects humanity with catastrophic consequences, affecting 184 countries; it will have sequels, not only in economy and health because of the loss of human lives, but also in psychological and social facts. By the revision of some articles, from assertive sources and Web Sites of recognized scientific status, it is intended to provide the health professionals with the instruments about important psychological matters, in the different progressive moments of the disease and its social repercussion. It can be concluded stating that professional guidance, directed to face the psychological disorders that COVI-19 can cause, including all the spheres of the social life, is a necessity, and it is directed to decrease the sequels of the pandemic in mental health to contribute to reestablish the bio-psychosocial balance in people.
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